Posted in Unposted Letters

I am sorry for..

I am sorry for making silly mistakes. I wish I hadn’t done them when I had still time to correct everything and make up for everything. Please forgive me for all the nuisance I created. I am sorry that I wasn’t able to fix everything and messed up. I am sorry I never meant to hurt you and I hope you know that it is true. I just feel miserable when guilt takes over my heart, words and actions seem to be less when I think about what I did was wrong. I am starting to realize about all the foolish things I did, Moreover the fact is that I never had courage to rectify those mistakes. I know I can’t take back what I did but as much as I want is that I could turn back the time and correct it. With this my dear please accept. Since I know you are the best, I know you will accept my apologies and will forgive me. I hope you will understand me and give me a chance to rebuild your trust though it is hard to do, But still I will try my best.

Saying sorry doesn’t always mean that you were the one who committed the mistake, it shows that the relationship is far more important then anything.

Nobody is perfect in this world.

We should learn to apologize for the mistakes we make.

Posted in Verses


In psychology, a mood is an affective state. In contrast to emotions or feelings, moods are less specific, less intense and less likely to be provoked or instantiated by a particular stimulus or event. Moods are typically described as having either a positive or negative valence. Continuous change in mood is known as mood swings.

The only swings I hate most,
That are mood swings,
It's nothing to boast,
That I am unable to understand where my heart flings.

My hormones playing today,
Bringing ambivalence,
Without leading any way,
Demanding urgent vigilance.

Sometimes unthinking,
Sometimes overthinking
Sometimes negative,
Sometimes positive.

Creates tides in heart,
With brimming eyes
Or playing with heart,
With smiling eyes.

Struggling the world inside,
Searching for gleams,
Present inside,
And trying to build up my dreams.

The day I will come to know,
How to control the hell of confusing swing,
Continuously moving to and fro,
Will be the best thing.
Posted in Verses

Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination

Hello, I was nominated for SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD by MAY. Please accept my deep thankful wishes for nominating me for this wonderful chain of nominations. She is wonderful writer, Please do check out her work.


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog.

My Questions

  • Describe yourself in three words.

Passion + confidence + writing

  • Who is your idol/inspiration?

My father is my idol and about inspiration I would love to mention my brothers and sisters.

  • Which is your favorite book?

I mostly read course book and if you you ask about other than course books I preferably read manga.

  • If you were stuck on an island, What are the three of your most important things you would want to have with you?

If I were stuck on island :- I would wish to call my family, thinking it’s my last time. + I would wish to eat one of my favorite dishes, as I am a foodie. + I wish some of my friends would be with me.

  • What would your life story be titled?

A tragedy

  • Whatโ€™s a food that you absolutely cannot bear to eat?

Spicy food – Indians are known to eat spicy food, I am total opposite of it.

  • Whatโ€™s been your most embarrassing moment?

Yawning in class ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  • Which place would you like to travel to?

Tokyo + Seoul + Bangkok + Taipei + Hong Kong + Shanghai

  • What is one of the silliest thought youโ€™ve had?

I wish I can be dead some day.

  • Do you prefer pineapple on pizza?


  • How much does the earth weigh? Just kidding๐Ÿ˜‚ What question would you ask me?

5.972 ร— 10^24 kg

Which genre of stories you like the most ?

My Questions

  1. If you close your eyes, what do you think you will be thinking about?
  2. Have u watched Avengers: End game? Do you think Thanos did right ?
  3. Best cartoon movie you like?
  4. Do you think you can be a published author?
  5. If you are given three pills; medicine of truth, health and money, which pill will you choose?
  6. Who is your favorite poet, and the poem because of which you like that poet’s work?
  7. What do you think about what is the best time for writing?
  8. What think consumes most of your time?
  9. Do you have any addiction? Do you think you should change it?
  10. If one day you get lost in jungle and there is a castle where you get everything you want but only thing you have to do is to never meet with your friends and family, will you enter?
  11. Which movie character can describe you ?


Shabd jaal

Angelic heavenly predictions








Ashok wahi Sir

And anyone who is interested can participate..

๐Ÿ˜ŠThanks May once again to nominate for the award.๐Ÿ˜Š

Posted in Challenges

Single Line Story Challenge

First of all I would like to thank – May { Her Blog – The boring introverted girl }

For nominating me for this wonderful chain of challenge ” Single Line Story Challenge “. I am highly honored with the nomination. She says that she is just an ordinary girl, But I believe that she has amazing writing skills, And I am feeling grateful to her as this was my first challenge. Please visit her website..

You will definitely impressed with her writing skills…


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Write 5 single line stories that fall under any of these genres (you can pick which ones you do!):
    • fantasy
    • romance
    • thriller
    • mystery
    • western
    • contemporary
    • historical
    • drama
    • dystopian
    • adventure
    • sci-fi
    • paranormal
    • young adult
  • You can choose 5 genres thatโ€™s easiest for you, or you can challenge yourself to try something new!
  • Nominate 5 blogger/writers who youโ€™d love to see participate and leave an open nomination for all writers!
  • You can do this challenge more than once.

My Stories

Romance :- And only by those shining eyes, he sent shivers in my spine and butterflies in my stomach.

Drama :- Promise that was made in childhood, She still wished that she could get all the things she wanted but all she got was the Hypocrisy of the cruel world.

Dystopian :- When she lost her special someone, she wished doom would arrive at the land and Grim Reaper takes her away from this selfish world.

Sci-Fi :- When we entered the junkyard, we got a robot who resembled a human and was struggling to revive.

Adventure :- After I took a turn, The world at my back was black and the surroundings at the front were colorful which amazed me.

I would like to nominate :-

And who so ever want to continue the creativity chain..

Thanks a lot for reading

Posted in Verses


The best kind of love is self love. If you learn to love yourself, The world be an amazing place to live in.

Every time I see myself in mirror,
I fell in love again,
Which is a thing to consider,
While not letting it go in vain.
Every time I see myself in mirror,
Carrying my chaos with grace,
Future becoming more clearer,
Myself moving at a wonderful pace.
Every time I see myself in mirror,
My problems are in the same dust,
I feel myself like a pillar,
Trying hard to work up a thrust.
Every time I see myself in mirror,
I find that I got the best soulmate,
Who is too nearer,
To make my heart palpitate.
Every time I see myself in mirror,
I promise myself,
That I will improve the person standing in the mirror,
and Make that person happy for herself.

Learn to love yourself.

Posted in Achievements


Today is 13th of October. My Blog’s Anniversary. Or we can say it’s my blog’s Birthday. Exactly one year ago, on this day I hit the button โ€œPublishโ€ for the first time! This one year time period was learning phase for me.  Itโ€™s been a fantastic year and a great learning experience. Over the course of a year I have covered numerous subjects like inspirational and motivational quotes, poems and social stuff, with the goal of publishing something every week on average. I can’t explain in words how happy I am after completing a whole year with Word Press. First of all I would like to convey my deepest thanks to all those people who helped me stay motivated to continue writing. There were times when I came across when I went to hiatus, But still my readers helped me to came out of that.

My 1st year STATS :-

Stats for 1st Year
All time posts, comments, views and visitors

I thank all my readers a lot for entering my life like sunshine. I will forever be grateful for all your support throughout my good and bad times. If I start to thank you and would like to convey my feeling, all the alphabets will become insufficient to tell you how significant you all are in my life. You are those individuals who trusted me when I was feeling down and helped me get back to a successful point where I am today. Thanking you all million times wouldn’t be sufficient for your constant encouragement. I have always received your love and care, And you all cared for me is much more appreciated than you can imagine. Words can’t express my respect for you all and love for you, but I would love that you all accept my heartfelt thank you message.

Feedback Form that I designed for my readers :-

Please check it out ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ My Verselets Feed back Form


Posted in Verses


Do you know what’s the most painful thing? Loosing a friend, without actually knowing the reason why you lost them.

Path that a person takes to build a new relationship with a new person, and slowly getting attached to them, becoming close friends. It takes a lot of time, care, love, trust and unspoken bond to develop a friendly relation between those two people.

When we loose some close friend the pain get multiples to the love and care we had for that person. It takes years together to move on with that particular relationship. I am one of those who used to think Friendship is a pure relationship between two souls that vibe together. But at some point of life we have to come across a point where all these kind of filmy theories fail.

Now I became an elysian firefly,
Of starless sky.
A friend became a stranger,
Leaving me at the time of danger.
I will never forget the day,
But it was all a play.
When you treated me as an important person,
While planning a treason.
I hid my pain behind my smile,
It took a while.
I was wondering why I am fading, 
I realized it was you who was intoxicating.
You were a shoe that didn't fit,
And I believe it's time for me to quit.
There was a point where I cried,
Leaving me terrified.
Reason was I didn't know what to do,
I don't have any idea why I lost you.
You changed like seasons,
Without leaving behind a reason.
Our memories are very bitter sweet,
That my heart wants that we could never meet.
A part of me thinks that we could be back together again,
But I don't wish we could be friends again.
Thank you so much for the times we were together,
That made me somewhat better.
I will keep you in my heart,
But I wish let's just stay far apart.
Posted in Unposted Letters

I Forgive you { Letter – 1 }

I forgive you my dear friend for all those mistakes that you committed to me. All those mistakes lead to shattering of all my trust that was built with all my care and love. I couldn’t understand how you could pretend for all that time we were together, And I was a fool who trusted you. I can’t believe how much pain you put me through. All those promises and the bond of friendship was a lie. You can’t even imagine the pain of abandonment that I faced after you betrayed me. You used my heart to play a game, But I couldn’t blame anyone. People say that forgiveness is an attribute of strength. The weak person never forgives. Let’s forgive each other for all those happy moments I spent together with you. Thanks a lot for all the good bad days and bittersweet memories. Today I forgave you because forgiveness is the final form of love and I know I loved you at some point of my life. With this I will move on in my life. Hope you always will stay happy and cheerful without me.

We have some or the other person in our life that we want to forgive and move on from that pain that we are bearing in our heart because of it. So, I hope you will like it.

Posted in Verses


Pillow is the only thing that helps us to avoid the world and to hide our feeling to outside world.

The pillow on my bed,
Knows me better,
He knows how much tears I shed,
Even in small things that didn't matter. 

He knows about my tears,
And my stories,
Help me letting out my fears,
And my queries. 

There is no friend like him,
Who help me hide my feeling,
When odds are slim,
With proper concealing. 

He never complains,
Like others,
And takes away all my pains,
By always staying without any matters.

I hope you liked my poem.